Medical facilities hampered * Risk of asphyxiation. Warn her that the situation is unsafe The product of their work is the __________ ____________________________ for that community. D. home and cars, What food items should be in your disaster food kit IS 317.A Introduction to Community Emergency Response - FEMACourses A. - build a _____ room, anchor, shutters, doors, shutoffs, flexible, slabs, safety, CERTs respond to disasters by: Locating and turning off _____, if safe to do so, CERTs respond to disasters by: Extinguishing _____ fires, CERTs respond to disasters by: Treating _____ injuries until professional assistance can be obtained, CERTs respond to disasters by: Conducting light _____ operations, CERTs respond to disasters by: Helping disaster survivors cope with their _____ stressors, A CERT member's first responsibility is ______ and _____ safety, How a group response is orchestrated is defined by the ______, ______ is defined as the meeting area for CERTs. \text{ } & \text{tissue or at the wrong time}\\ a.mosaicdetermination1. (a)(b)(c)(d)AccountsRec. Aluminum foil and plastic wrap B. D. made of brick, During earthquakes, flooding events, and high-wind events, older high-rise buildings, however, are more susceptible to damage from: Rural Emergency Preparedness and Response - Rural Health Info As you glance down quickly at the rest of the boy's body, you notice an angry red welt on his inner arm. Assess situation 2. * The population composition of the community, Effective community preparedness also engages the ______________________: Gas line ruptures B. the value we place on our relationships with one another Volunteer Training Certification. Stay Informed? d. Describes how to protect people and property in emergencies and disasters, What describes how the community will function in an emergency B. food items Ask a law enforcement official to take over while you're gone * Assume some of the same functions as emergency services personnel following a disaster, While CERTs are a valuable asset in emergency response, CERTs are not trained to perform all of the functions or respond to the same degree as professional responders. \quad\text{Ending cash balance}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}464.6}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}305.1}}}\\ \text{Machinery Maintenance}&&93,600\\ Round to the nearest cent or tenth of a percent. \textbf{For the Years Ended September 30, 2016, and 2015}\\ D. Send in a backup team to fight the fire, Following the correct CERT procedure (P.A.S.S. Staffing parades, health fairs, and other special events \text{Land}&\text{10.7}&\text{13.0}&\text{N/A}&\text{N/A}&\text{10.7}&\text{13.0}\\ They are trying to ensure that the market reaches an equilibrium dividethebodyintoidenticalunits(segments)b.regulativedetermination2. A critical early decision in disasters is decided whether to stay or change locations, Seek _____ air and _______ breathing passages, protect from debris and signal others for help, What do you take to a mass care or community shelter. Then determine the amount of overhead that would be assigned to the job if the company used the overhead rates developed in (2) above. The target audience for this course is individuals who desire the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and respond to a disaster. C. Keep it for your own records Mix 1-part bleach and 10 parts water C. Injury or electric shock People use it to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. B. - install hurricane storm _____ This program educates people about disaster preparedness and how to protect your family, neighbors, and co-workers in a disaster or emergency situation. Through pre-event planning, neighborhoods and worksites can also work together to help reduce injuries, loss of lives, and property damage. A. CERTS provide support while professional emergency responders focus on more dangerous, skilled, and critical assignments. Suppress and overhaul the fire because the numbers in the Diamond are small and indicate that little risk is present By working together, CERT members can assist in saving lives and protecting property using the basic techniques in this course. A. feelings of detachment and helplessness These shelters often provide water, food, medicine, and basic sanitary facilities but, if possible, you should take your 3-day disaster supplies kit with you so that you will be sure to have the supplies you require. Mechanical What type of bleeding is this? 2. \text{Total budgeted cost}&&\underline{\underline{\$\hspace{5pt}1,061,000}}\\\\ ___________ ________is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, within the Department of Homeland Security, but is implemented locally. C. personal sanitation items A. Sunscreen how do cert volunteers prepare for disasters quizlet. \end{array} B. B. car * Locating and turning off (1)__________________, if safe to do so . D. Low energy foods, What kitchen items should be in your disaster supply kit * Credit card systems inoperable. C. Hypertension D. Four, A woman comes up to a disaster scene that you have determined is unsafe to enter. \textbf{(in billions of dollars)}\\ segmentationgenes9. C. Take the bucket and find a place to boil the water, since you assume that one of the buildings must have a functional kitchen B. Through CERT, citizens can learn about disaster preparedness and receive training in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. B. A size-up of the building reveals superficial damage, including broken windows and cracked plaster. B. Wrap the wound with the first piece of cloth you can find B. sugar, salt, pepper B. food items * Assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals for carrying out specific actions at projected times and places in an emergency that exceeds the capability or routine responsibility of any one agency (e.g., the fire department) assignidentitytobodysegmentsf. 'Getting involved' focuses on finding opportunities to support community and workplace preparedness before an emergency occurs. Is 317 A Introduction to Community Emergency Response Team CERTs? avoid wooden shake and shingles, clear flammable vegetation from home. \quad\text{Other direct loan transactions}&\text{(80.3)}&\text{(119.9)}\\ Damage to . 2010\\ Blanket carry How do CERT volunteers prepare for disasters? - Weegy A. C. 2 week There are things you can do to prepare for terrorist attacks and reduce the stress that you may feel now and later should another emergency arise. How do CERT volunteers prepare for disasters? C. Your agency or group ID Weekly CERT newsletters B. On November 14, Hydro Clothing sold the remaining shares at $7 per share. A. Evaluate Progress what variables need to be taken into account for each question? Wait for the fire department to arrive Financial Services A. disaster kit 3) Search and rescue. A. C. Food, Fire, Fright, Flight, Fear Disasters are _______, with little or no warning or opportunity to prepare. greenfluorescentprotein7. Over 160 CERTs are registered in Massachusetts. C. How many people are in the building? A. This course educates ordinary people about disaster preparedness and weapons of mass destruction. d. local businesses, food industry, and fire and rescue, What does EOP stand for? - strap mobile homes to their _____ FEMA IS 317.A Answers - CERTS | FEMACourses D. clothing and bedding items, Formulas Bottles Medications B. first aid kit \text{h. genetic mosaics} & \text{8. when a null allele is dominant to a wild-type allele}\\ - locate and label utility _____ Citizen Corps As individuals, we can prepare our homes and families to cope during that critical period. A. a. User: The CERT Program trains community . SALT C. DCAP-BTLS D. IDMD-SALT, While it is impossible to be sure out in the field, you should assume that: B. B. D. Connect with others, The goal of on-scene psychological intervention by CERT members is to stabilize the incident scene by stabilizing individuals. C. structurally sound D. Increased risk of fire or electrical shock, What are possible communication systems impact? A. home fires B. A. A. Hands-on practice and realistic exercises O B. a written law passed by a legislative body, advanced first aid, CPR skills, and AED usage, Chapter 3: Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned, Foundations for Population Health in Community and Public Health Nursing, Practical vocational Nursing book Chapter 8 &. Dr.}\\ A. C. Vehicle Terrorism Safety Tips - Before, During, & After - American Red Cross \end{array} 1101827InvoiceNo.112113114115AccountDebitedEnvironmentalSafetyCo.JenkinsCo.Eco-SystemsTEKCorp.Post.Ref. AN ACT to amend the civil practice law and rules, the correction law, the executive law, the vehicle and traffic law, the village law and the state finance law, in relation to eliminating certain surcharges and fees; to amend the correction law . Through pre-event planning, neighborhoods and worksites can also work together to help reduce injuries, loss of lives, and property damage. 1112EnvironmentalSafetyCo.(a)$2,62510113JenkinsCo.(b)1,05018114Eco-Systems(c)1,60027115TEKCorp.(d)965$6,240(e)\begin{array}{rccc} \text{j. homeotic genes} & \text{10. encode proteins that accumulate in unfertilized}\\ \end{array} All volunteers in the VITA/TCE Program must take the Standards of Conduct training and pass the certification test. Every room in the house C. Emergency operations plan B. How do you become a certified CERT volunteer? - Weegy C. every room and workplace CERT: Disaster Preparedness Flashcards | Quizlet Falling panels What should you do? (For each service department, use the most appropriate allocation base.). \text{Other property, plant, and equipment}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}10.3}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}10.8}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{19pt}--}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{20pt}5.5}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{7pt}10.3}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{12pt}5.3}}\\ 4 drops D. EOP, What is the role of community leaders in emergency settings? \text{m. signal transduction pathways} & \text{13. a tag used to follow proteins in living cells}\\ Upon successfully completion both items, you can become a CERT volunteer. You ask her to put her son down so you can help. Log in for more information. * N95 Mask B. Possible Effects are: * Medical facilities hampered * Limited access to fuel, e.g., pumps that may not work * Resources and skills within the community C. C. "I'm not part of the Terrorist Response Team." D. Do the greatest good for the greatest number of people, CERT members volunteer to fill non-disaster roles. D., Where can information on Prepareathon? b. \text{Internal use software}&\text{9.5}&\text{33.1}&\text{6.0}&\text{20.7}&\text{3.5}&\text{12.4}\\ A. pet items Designate CERT Team Leader status to someone else in the Command Post Government will provide services to protect and assist whom? B. major rooms A. Surveillance B. B. first aid kit Identify the base case. 2) Volunteer Protection Act of 1997, Citizen Corps is the grassroots movement to strengthen community safety and preparedness through increased civic participation. B. C. Families and friends cannot communicate D. Consider probabilities, While the fire department manages to suppress most of the fire inside the building, a small fire has started to spread through the yard. Explain to the president why the step-down method provides a better basis for computing predetermined overhead rates than the direct method. 3 drops B. Budgeted overhead costs in each department for the current year are as follows: Cafeteria$320,000CustodialServices65,400MachineryMaintenance93,600Milling416,000Finishing166,000Totalbudgetedcost$1,061,000\begin{array}{lrr} 2; sec. Expert answered| emdjay23 |Points 196925| Log in for more information. Plan. A, bounce back much more efficiently after a disaster and tend to rely less on outside resources to return to normal This is an example of : answer choices. Check the label on the extinguisher B. a functioning community is based on complex and interdependent systems driven by human forces Possible Effects are: * Survivors unable to call for help \text{g. green fluorescent protein} & \text{7. suppression of gene expression by double-stranded RNA}\\ - _____ heavy furniture Can my buddy and I fight the fire safely? A. items for infants until professional assistance is available, Personal Protective Equipment head to toe, helmet, goggles, N95 mask, gloves, sturdy shoes/boots. 7 we don't do anything normal. C. Two C. foods for all age ranges Monitoring the news for potential disaster threats Emergency preparedness refers to actions performed before an emergency. IS-315.A: CERT and the Incident Command System (ICS) \quad\text{Borrowing from the public}&\text{8,390.4}&\text{7,037.5}\\ C. Use an axe or similar tool to knock down the floor and clear the void C. Practice good hygiene Types of Sheltering Over the last few months, these trained and mobilized volunteer groups have stepped in to fill what Chouinard calls "human power gaps" in San Diego's emergency response. Which burn classification is characterized by reddened, dry skin; pain: and swelling? &&&& \underline{\underline{\$6,240}}\\ The first professional responders on the scene & \textbf{Accounts Rec. B. disease. C. Petitioning local officials for more local emergency response funding \textbf{UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT}\\ C. terrorist incident Help professional responders Assess and Communicate Damage 3. If sheltering-in-place is needed, you will be in this room for only a few hours, but it is important that you be able to seal the room quickly. B. Tweezers Keeping in mind that you are searching the room with only two other CERT members, which of the following is not a recommended way of moving the boy? A. The Role of the Nurse in Emergency Preparedness - 2012 - Journal of D. Perform CPR, What does TL stand for? Shelter in place: sealing a room. * Police prevented from reaching areas of civil unrest Conduct a head-to-toe assessment C. They are trying to ensure that all consumers are able to purchase a specific product D. clothing and bedding items, What kit: Emergency contact list and other important phone numbers Map of the area and phone numbers of places you could go Copies of prescriptions and/or original prescription bottles B. Possible Effects are: * ATM machines do not work respond to their community's immediate needs in the aftermath of a disaster, CERTs are able to: Disasters can be: C. Leave without delegating any of your Team Leader responsibilities D. You may never leave the Command Post under any circumstances, CERT members should always be assigned to teams of at least how many people? If you become trapped, protect your airways, bang on an object, or blow a whistle. A. Generally, why do people join a CERT? A. The___________________ Program can provide an effective first-response capability. C. Honeymoon phase You should have snacks and water; a battery-operated radio, a flashlight, and pre-cut plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal off vents and door and window openings. what are the 9 questions for scene size up? Sealing a room is a way to protect yourself from contaminants in the air for a short period of time until the contaminants dissipate. Your state - CERT training prepares individuals how to act as good Samaritans and apply their skills when situations arise in their daily lives. * Increased risk of damage from falling debris. A. food items \textbf{Cash flow from financing}\\ D. kitchen items, What kit: Emergency preparedness manual* Battery-operated weather radio and extra batteries Tube tent
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