Kid, were cut off for now. The one where Peter is being abused in the worst way, (warnings: physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. He settles on calling the next-best person to help, too bad (but its the life you lead) byjessicagoddamnjones, Are you even listening to what Im saying?, Jesus, kid he stopped and spun around, placing his hands on Peters shoulders. Uh, can we stop for a sec? he asks, his breath hitching. Please consider turning it on! all he could think about was how he was probably going to die. Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man PART 1 Was he underwater? There were large damp patches over Peters light blue t-shirt where he had sweat through it and his skin was flushed a dark pink. I don't care that you think it isn't." She put her hand out. um, guys?. ), Takes place after the ferry incident in Homecoming. Yeah, just enjoying the whole fall aesthetic here, Ned says, spreading his arms out in an encompassing gesture. Are you guys, Before Peter could say anything else, he was suddenly assaulted by an explosion of sound and voices of all the various Avengers, and he nearly released the web he was hanging from in surprise. Sorry, kid., Peter snapped the arrow without even meaning to, and he winced and dropped it. There are civilians in the subway stations around here. The someone rolls him to his side, letting the bile spill from his mouth onto the ground. Acute respiratory distress. They turn around another corner and are met with a dead-end and a yellow sign stating You look Corn-fused!. Yeah, I dont know either, kid, Tony grumbles. FRIDAY, get this thing off me.. Well, good thing you're going to jail. Please consider turning it on! 264K 5.8K 20. Nope. Wait, does that even make sense?, No, A dry voiceClint, Peter thoughtsaid. Nico couldn't stand being at camp so he left. Never mind. Thats the fic. Peter frowns. Flash had never been the brightest, so he continued. Hes fine, dont worry about it, Tony quickly assures, making a dismissive gesture with his hand. Peter's mind races, I can't take off my shirt all of the scars, the muscle! MarleyTheHobbit, SkiversTheCrackSimp, i_ate_your_plants, ManyGayUmbrellas, fluffyjeans, CuriousL8e, wtf_did_i_write, bluelacedeye, imvoidmf, RatLover007, Accio_Me, DragonPlusWolf, Fortunecoookie, Elysia_is_my_beloved, AvidReaderOfAllWorks, artsyemmatoebeans, Atyyfanfictionfan, Beccatt, Daughter_of_Scotland, yourfavbrowngirlie, shezrob23, strkhollnd, PickUpUrPh0ne, thefemaleregulusblack, HopelessGodofMisery, CrazyMandarin, Astra_Pardusevich, becksf, Yume_swan, Skylar4739, NeverEnoughFangirling, ManDudes, Cuz_WhyNotz, mashkitkat, booisstupid, RF_rida98, bibisjk7, Moonstorm558, zzqqTaiwan, Alycohenn, Kumquat72, melodicraven, Sirperin, CM_03, DideRemi, pterodactyl_screech, RaiZel_yumyum, Onyxtarantula, paintedbluerose, FashionablyLateLadyLuck, and 754 more users 22. Chapter 12 His eyes are open and hes staring straight at Tony. mainly an excuse to write both fluff and angst (mostly angst very little fluff) with some fun sarcastic humor thrown in. Peter doesnt feel good.. Yelling. Oh, wait. He pretended to rub his nonexistent beard in thought before lashing out again. Peter ignored it all, he had to. You lost a lot of blood by the time we got there, and then the ambulance didn't show up for five minutes. Hours? He and Tony were arguing, and Tony was being dumb. He shoves his hand into the gauntlet. chap 1 is up now and we will be updating daily over the course of this week! peter sighed. Thank you! +1Peter was permanently deaf. Natasha whistled lowly. He didn't know what else to say, other than he was completely, utterly confused. Awww crap, Deadpool groaned, head tilting back dramatically. Peter scoffs. Chapter 19 She growled. Any reason that you can figure out as to why theyre out here? He lets out a cry. Ive been waiting so long.. Tony appears to notice this too. Shuri put the phone down, satisfied with herself. Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye Jake tears the suit and together they apply pressure to the wound. "Ah, yes, Mr. Stark, just in time. Getting Midtown School of Science and Technology to approve the decathlon team for a field trip to a pumpkin farm had been a bit of a stretch. He blasted off into the sky, Rhodey right behind him, as the rest of the Avengers sprinted to the Quin Jet. Rather than point out the question he was supposed to awnser, Ned though it'd be better to see Ms. Egdirbmu crash and burn. You know, its been ages since anyone sorted through the supply closet, he says casually, jerking his head towards a nearby door. After Peter gets accidently drugged, he confuses Tony for Ben while in a precarious situation. , . And then to make matter worse, Bucky had been triggered and forgotten who anyone was. Oh my god! Neds eyes go wide. Pepper muttered sleepily beside him, snuggling into the covers. He enters school, meets some interesting people (who are the Bats? Time-Lapse bysahiya- Peters having a hard time finding his place after returning from the snap. For Petes Sake by @kitcat992 - Peter suffers a life-threatening head injury while on patrol and Tony comes through for him. Sentry mode. Tony ordered it over his shoulder. Worth a shot. And didnt I tell you that yoga is a better stress-reliever?. Chapter 9 Work Search: He pulled him back up and slammed his head into the lockers again and again. peter parker fainting like a victorian madame for ten minutes straight by @floweryfran & @peter-stank. left kudos on this work! Work Search: I I think Im good, he decides. You're loosing a lot of blood and you need to breathe and I doubt the mask is helping." Hey, put me back on the Avengers comm, wouldya? As soon as he heard the audio switch from the background to the foreground, he spoke up again. Between the half-breaths and the pain, Peter is somehow still hanging onto consciousness. Peter tries to hide a stab wound and an infection-fuelled fever is never any fun. Peter then took out his hearing aids and walked away. stark i cant-. He heard the Avengers chatter switch to background noise as his AI kicked in. Chapter 15 Steves brow furrowed and he brought a hand up to his forehead, as though he had a headachewhich he probably did. "I'm sorry, was I supposed to answer a question?" "What's for dinner mom?" You just told me his lips are turning blue, Michelle points out. Then, his spider-sense, which had been only a low hum at the back of his neck, suddenly screamed, and Peter flung himself away without thinking. Stephen Strange was confused. Follow Peter Parker entering a new life in Gotham City in his quest in trying to feel normal again in a new reality. "~the office~"Principal Mortia you don't understand!" Pepper ran into the room just as the nurse continued. He remembers us.. I-I think somethings wrong with me, he admits. "Ned, I need to get out of here before Mr. Stark finds out, otherwise he will literally kill me for going behind his back. Peters trapped beneath a collapsed building during a mission, hurt and unable to move. Nothing to freak out about! He seemed like the only thing keepingthe poor guy on his feetthe super-soldier seemed dazed and unsteady. Im not a kid!, All right, Spider-Man. Captain Americas stern voice cut through the audio. Tony?, Ah, shit, Tony said good-humoredly. A story of which being Tony Stark's daughter and having powers is the definition of Chaos. Now, he ordered. avengers ignore peter while he's stuck dying under a building and peter gets pissed after being rescued (first time making angst pls criticize) . Ned nodded. his voice became raspy as he called out for him. It was supposed to be a chilled night. Or, Tony Stark talks a drugged-up Spider-Man through a kidnapping escape. Theres a mask over his mouth and nose, forcing air into his lungs. Tony knew he was dying. 6. Boss, Leeds has just been cleared by medical staff and is requesting entrance.. "Dad. Cap blinked dazedly up at the other Avenger. Chaos ensues. No offense, but you look like crap, she replies. Mr. Peter tries to relax and let the machine breathe for him. edit: so. . Any, like, alien tech or something?, Karen was silent for a moment before speaking. Peter holds one out to his friend. Who knew Flash actually had it in him. His head feels like its splitting in two and every muscle in his body aches as though hes just fought off the Vulture again. You can use this for now.. , . Michelle huffs out a frustrated sigh. It felt like hed slammed into solid concrete, like hed been shot, stabbed, torn apart. It was a clusterfuck of a day and that was putting it lightly. One: This book takes place one year after the events of Homecoming. Peter wants to say that he is, hes trying, but his brain and his mouth arent cooperating. He startled badly as he saw a red and blue body drop down in front of him. Wow Im so glad I asked, Michelle remarks, her voice flat. "You! His skin is roughly scrubbed down with sponges and lukewarm water. Peter made a beeline for the nearest black vehicle and dropped down in front of the medic outside of it. We were playing superheroes and we needed to pack the supplies to take with us cus we had to go fight the bad guys in space., Shed been stockpiling stuff for the last couple days in the treehouse, Peter goes on, so she was just tossing everything down for me to put in the bag. Just a precaution, she explains. Don't be like me, guys. Police-Man." Everything was blurry. Morgan stays because she wants to see him wake up and smile at her like that, too. He points at Peters backpack. He takes another bite to emphasize the point. He tries to take in a breath on his own and instantly feels like hes choking. Peter forces himself to open his eyes. The moment shes gone, FRIDAY interrupts. Little Peter is about to be under quite a lot of pressure, and it might get a little . After a few minutes (Or maybe only seconds? Where are any of us really going, Peter? she says cryptically. Peter heard the whine of repulsors and Iron Man landed next to him, its metal face harshly impassive. by @losingmymindtonight. Oblivion rose up and pulled him into its grasp. Peters phone is unavailable and I cannot trace its signal.. Hey! Peter protested at the same time that Tony said, This is Spider-Man. Peter continued with his totally justified complaint. And the 1 Time Tony didnt. Do you really think Id let anything happen to you?. Unluckily, the Avengers dont realise how bad of a state Peter is in, and Peter isnt inclined to tell them. The two boys exchange a bewildered look as she stalks off. No, mfine, he grumbles. Playing news report now. The video on the screen before them began playing. He whispered. Pain in his back, his arms, like theyd been ripped from him, muscles torn apart. When its finally out, his throat feels raw. Good. His kid was quick and with anger pumping through his veins, Peter was unstoppable. He starts to rifle through the contents. Very introspective on Tonys side with a lot of angst and references to Tonys own abusive past while still managing to keep things light on the surface for Peter. Wheels squeak and roll beneath him. I want to write asthmatic young!peter and irondad but i need to read more asthmatic Peter to get a feel for it! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Peter experiences a serious car accident and loses the ability to walk. Chest feels weird. Peter nearly fell off of that plane too many times. As soon as hed cleared the much higher Manhattan skyline, he could tell where he needed to go by the smoke rising in the distance. Michelles voice comes over the speaker, the most concerned Peter has ever heard it. I recommend tearing the suit to form a makeshift splint until the ambulance arrives in 4.3 minutes." College student Peter Parker is poor. you heal me like the light of day by @searchingforstarss. Ah, Stark, youre late to the game! Sam Wilson called out as he shot by overhead. Peter goes missing. He lay perfectly still and was certain he stopped breathing. or: Nineteen year old Peter Parker navigating his life as a moneyless college student. No! Peter denies immediately. Youre with me. Biodad Tony & his little son), The Education Complication by @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars, Peter has an asthma attack during gym class (13 year old Peter & biodad Tony), Peter is Steves bio-kid, and after losing their apartment and going homeless, they get taken in by Tony, (Not technically asthma, but a breathing condition that mimics asthma and so well doneI rec this one every chance I get). Peter! he exclaims, rushing over. Flash begged. The reality is, every move Tony made was as a dangerous as a Black Widow that was woken up at three in the morning by Clint dumping a bucket of cold water on her, a thousandfold and minus the fact that she loved Clint like a brother and wouldn't actually kill him. Peter laughed. Should I alert Boss? Friday chirps, and Peter groans, waving a hand uselessly. Not Peter. Flash began to shake slightly. Tony goes on a hunt for the kid. Huh. That part is not so much living the dream. Hey man, he croaks out. Its nothing majorjust irritating, but its making his brain feel fuzzy, which is likely a contributing factor to why theyve been weaving their way through this stupid maze for the past hour. They really sucked." It got worse when you ate the apples because they were coated in it.. There werent any, and Peter breathed a sigh of relief. Look, kid, Thanks, Mr. Stark! Peter said, doing a backflip off the van and reaching up to snag a building with his web-shooters. Pretty sure MJ is onto you.. Ill put TWs in the A/N for those chapters. Bruce thinks that in trace amounts it wouldnt be an issue, but because theyd just sprayed that morning, there was enough in the air and on the crops to start a reaction. Stark! Peter said indignantly as he swung around the grouped-together men (that was stupid, he wasSpider-Man!). Ned seems to have remembered it too. Peter's eyes start to feel really heavy. "Question number seventeen. Kid. Well, Chapter 11 is 6,000 words and unfinished, so we'll see. Natalia Alianovna Romanov has bee. I mean, have you heard about all those new adult coloring books? Time is weird right now), he starts to fade back in. "He was following her from the bus station in Queens. An old, rusting, wrought iron spiked fence. Natasha Romanov AKA Black Widow A few minutes later, they were going over the sheet and Peter kept his eyes on the sheet so he didn't read lips to get this exchange. Hey, hey, youre okay! After a beat, the sirens finally cut through the silence. Struggling to draw in breath, Tony could feel his heart pounding. Peter watched as the Iron Man suit contracted and folded itself off of Tony Stark, reassembling itself and looking to its master for direction. On your knees! He snapped. Also Flash is an ass. The buff black man, now dubbed Terry, comes over and lifts up Peter's injured leg. No! he exclaims. And Peter, the only one unaffected, is trapped inside the Tower with six feral teammates. Between dodging apples from Flash, he recalls hearing the farmer explain something about how they had just sprayed all the crops that morning. Part uh something idk "Shuri, could you go into his locker, get his phone, call Stark." Peter shakes his head. Sound is first to return. Peter groans in response. Im okay, now, he chokes out. Weird how?. michellejones; spiderman; angstwithhappyending +22 more # 17. Oh wait I just remembered! Peter stops walking right in the middle of the path and takes off his backpack, balancing it on the top of his shoes so as not to get the bottom dirty. A mans scream briefly rang through the audio feed. I dont know how Mr. Stark puts up with this all the time.. Hey, chill, Cap. Peter told him, reaching out for the chunk of rock. Tony reluctantly introduces Peter to them but doesn't tell them he's Spider-man. The mugger was webbed to the wall and Peter was laying on the ground. -. Flash kept muttering to himself. Online. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Mr. Leeds, Ms. Jones, Ms. Shuri, please take Mr. Parker to the nurses office." 738 guests Tony has finally started allowing the kid to tag along on missions with the team. He passes Peter the ice pack, earning a grunt of thanks. Two best buddies just hanging out together. The news report switches back to Jameson, looking sombrely once more at the camera.
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