In making this information public, DoD does not represent that all those members who are entitled to wear the subject awards are identified. He was wounded as he shielded the casualties from the resulting explosion. After rendering life saving aid to four Marines, he was killed when running towards a fifth casualty. Date of death: December 9, 1965. Born in Germany. 8 World War II recipients. Provided covering fire which allowed his Marines to withdraw, and then assaulted the enemy outnumbering enemy force and killed three in hand-to-hand combat before he himself was killed. Removed a live 81-mm. Vietnam War, 1956-1975 Alley ; Lee B. When an NVA battalion attempted to overrun his camp, he fired an 81-mm. If you believe this list to be in error or if you would like your name removed from this list, please use the Military Service contact information provided under "Contact Us " to submit your concern to the appropriate Military Service. The public should not rely on the information on this website as a definitive identification of all those members who are recipients of the subject awards. U.S. involvement escalated under President John F. Kennedy, from just under a thousand military advisors in 1959 to 23,000 in 1964. Learn more about featured topics of the Vietnam War and Vietnam Era. He later became a POW on August 25, 1972. near the Thu Ben River, Qung Nam Province, Squad leader who was killed as he attempted to throw an enemy hand grenade away from his Marines, Threw an enemy hand grenade from his position, saving the lives of two Marines. Placed his body between fellow Marines and a live grenade, CH-46 Helicopter crew chief, originally awarded Silver Star which was upgraded in 2015, Smothered an explosive device with his own body, Shielded a fellow Marine from enemy fire with his own body, thus saving his life, Regimental surgeon, surgically removed a live B-40 rocket from a wounded Marine, Single-handedly assaulted and killed eight of the enemy, remaining in the fight despite being wounded in the head, Village of Phong Luc (1), Qung Nam Province, Machine gunner who was badly wounded during the beginning of an ambush, however he was able to return accurate fire before he was killed, Machine gun team leader who held his position with his gunner, putting heavy fire on the enemy and allowing their platoon to withdraw before they were both killed. Task Force 117 (TF-117), Despite being seriously wounded at the beginning of an ambush, he directed the fire of his patrol gunboat and defeated the enemy, Flew his A-6 in a single-plane night attack against a heavily defended port facility and successfully bombed the target, Patrol Craft Fast 35 (PCF-35), Coastal Squadron 1, Placed his patrol craft between two fellow Sailors who were blown from another boat into the river and enemy positions and successfully rescued them. Company commander who threw one enemy grenade from his position, and was attempting to throw out two more when he was killed. He continued fighting the enemy and was wounded a fifth time. Threw an enemy hand grenade out of his PBR, and then directed suppressive fire on the attacking enemy despite being wounded. He was attempting to assist the wounded point man when he was killed. Company commander who kicked an enemy hand grenade away from wounded Marines. mountain dew code red shortage 2022. best army for th9 for loot and trophies. He was wounded three times while knocking out an enemy mortar position. While shielding a Marine with his own body and firing at an enemy position, he was killed. [10], In 2005, the Fujian Xunxing of the Chinese Basketball Association drafted Washington as the second overall pick of international players. tyrone washington vietnam navy cross. near Elliot Combat Base, Qung Tr Province, Saved the life of a wounded Marine from three mortar rounds by shielding him with his own body, Underwater Demolition Team 12 (UDT-12), Detachment GOLF, River Division 593, River Patrol Flotilla 5, Led his PBR crew ashore to assist a six-man patrol which was engaged with an enemy platoon. Assaulted and knocked out an enemy bunker, personally killing two NVA soldiers, and assumed command of the battalion when his commanding officer was killed. Please watch over America, it still needs your strength, courage, guidance and faithfulness, especially now. Tyrone Lamar Washington (born September 16, 1976)[1] is a former American professional basketball player. Tyrone. Led eight jet attack aircraft over 600 miles to bomb a heavily defended area, during which he was shot down and captured as a POW. Second award, landed his CH-46 helicopter under heavy fire to extract wounded Marines, during which the front of his helicopter was damaged by machine gun fire. Shielded his wounded commanding officer from enemy fire with his own body and returned fire before he was killed. You are remembered, not forgotten because we utter your name with respect to honor you. Was shot down and captured as a POW, but soon escaped that same day and was rescued by a helicopter. Despite his painful wound, he refused evacuation and continued fighting throughout the night, Hamlet of Nam Pho Ha, Tha Thin Province, Threw himself on an enemy hand grenade and managed to throw it out of his position before it exploded, Assaulted and silenced an enemy machine gun position and carried two wounded Marines to safety before he was wounded, Surgeon who successfully amputated a wounded man's leg which had an armed 2.75-inch rocket imbedded in it, Located a pilot who had been shot down and attacked anti-aircraft positions which threatened the search and rescue helicopter before he himself was shot down. 1970 Red Ferrari 312P (White Interior). Together, we can make sure our heroes will get the reverence they deserve and the stories and sacrifices of our heroes will never be forgotten. Crawled 50 meters to a group of wounded Marines, helped a blinded Marine to safety, and returned to the group and was dragging a second man to safety when he was killed. Field artillery batteryman who held off an enemy attack with a machine gun. [15], The Busan KT Sonicboom of the Korean Basketball League drafted Washington as the top pick in the second round of the 2007 KBL draft. 7.1 United States Navy recipients. This along with the , indicates that the Navy Cross was received posthumously. The Navy Cross was established by Act of Congress (Public Law 65-253) and approved on February 4, 1919. The operation was successful and he saved the life of the Marine. Lewis Abrams was listed as Missing in Action after the action that earned him the Navy Cross on October 25, 1967. Task Force 116 (TF-116). Even though I didn't have the honor of serving with you in this life, I look forward to meeting you in Heaven someday. With the Riverdragons, Washington played 37 games and started 27 games, scored an average of 8.2 points, grabbed 4.4 rebounds, and made 0.8 assists per game. After killing two sappers who threw satchel charges at him and a fellow Marine, he placed his own body between the Marine and the satchel charges and was killed. It was the first car to feature a double set of wheels up front and a gigantic exposed engine. geauga park district rangers; best saree shops in banjara hills, hyderabad Sergeant First Class Vietnam War, 1956-1975; Anagnosotopoulos James ; NMI Private First Class; Vietnam War, 1956-1975 Anderson ; Anthony C. Sergeant Vietnam War, 1956-1975 . [8] The following month he signed with Purefoods Tender Juicy Giants of the Philippine Basketball Association. Task Force 116 (TF-116). Despite being wounded twice while treating and carrying a Marine to safety, he began assisting a second Marine when he was killed. This is a list of Navy Cross recipients for actions of valor carried out during the Vietnam War, awarded by the United States Department of the Navy. Agencies with a requirement to verify valor award recipients should contact the appropriate military service. Covered an enemy grenade with his body, and then managed to throw it away, saving the lives of three Marines. Air Force members recognized for actions prior to 1 July 1948 are listed as Army members; on/after 1 July 1948 they are listed as Air Force members. Radar intercept officer who assisted his pilot in shooting down two enemy aircraft. When he was being given first aid, he left his position of safety to assist his Marines during a mortar barrage when he was killed. At least one Navy Cross, which was awarded to John L. Canley, has been upgraded to the Medal of Honor.[6]. Throughout history, some Marines were awarded the Army Distinguished Service Cross. Led his squad in several assaults against enemy positions despite being wounded, Saved the lives of several Marines in his patrol by calling in air support and fighting off an enemy platoon despite being wounded multiple times, When his small recon team encountered a large enemy force, he killed several of the enemy and called in close air support. DoD disclaims any liability arising from reliance on the information on this website. River Division 551, River Patrol Flotilla 5. And Tyrone Washington is a former . He then led an assault against the enemy position, After crash-landing his helicopter away from enemy troops, he led his crew in fighting through enemy positions, before calling in precision air strikes for the next 24 hours, Single-handedly assaulted an enemy position under heavy fire, When he was forced to crash land his helicopter in a landing zone, and then directed airstrikes to support a besieged Marine company. River Division 513, River Patrol Flotilla 5, Threw an enemy hand grenade out of his PBR, and then directed suppressive fire on the attacking enemy despite being wounded. Tyrone Jackson: From: Cook County, Illinois: Born: August 16, 1948: Death: September 27, 1968: War: . Despite already being seriously wounded, he shielded another wounded Marine from sniper fire and was killed. Assaulted and silenced two enemy bunkers and then carried a wounded man to safety before leading the platoon in an assault which caused the enemy to retreat, Was belatedly awarded the Navy Cross in 2019. Kicked a grenade out of his machine gun position, and then covered a second grenade with his body which failed to detonate. FBiH - Konkursi za turistike vodie i voditelje putnike agencije. This is a listing of recipients of the Navy Cross during the Vietnam War. Led his riverine assault craft in killing more than 200 of the enemy and destroying 600 bunkers. Planned, led, and directed 31 aircraft in an attack against the heavily defended Haiphong rail way/high way bridge, successfully destroying it without the loss of a single aircraft. Fire Support Base Neville, Qung Tr Province. Once the enemy was repulsed, he assisted wounded Marines back to the company perimeter, where he was wounded five more times. Illuminated several large groups of enemy troops with his helicopter searchlight despite heavy fire, resulting in the deaths of many of the enemy. Despite being serious wounded by an enemy hand grenade, he engaged the enemy in hand-to-hand combat and killed two of them. When he was moving the Marine to cover, he was mortally wounded. Tyrone Wade Hisey: From: Richland County, Ohio: Born: June 23, 1939: Death: March 30, 1966: War: Vietnam War: Rank: Tyrone is honored on the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial in Washington DC. Assisted numerous casualties to safety and offered words of encouragement to his Marines before he was mortally wounded, Machine gun squad leader who provided covering fire, allowing his gunner to withdraw, Led his company in the destruction of five bunker complexes and then held the objective despite NVA assaults throughout the night, For single-handedly assaulting and destroying an enemy bunker and then fighting off six enemies who attempted to flank the platoon, killing three and causing the remainder to flee, Despite being wounded, he manned a machine gun on an. Task Force 116 (TF-116). The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. The Navy Cross was established by Act of Congress (Public Law 65-253) and approved on February 4, 1919. John Lord, right, led his platoon through an ambush in the Vietnam War, he is presented with the Navy Cross by Col. Jay Wylie at the Marine Corps Birthday . It is 1966. Single-handedly assaulted and destroyed four enemy bunkers. When his UH-1E helicopter landed to extract four soldiers from a downed helicopter, he made multiple trips under heavy fire to rescue three wounded soldiers. In 1998, Washington was a third-team all-SEC pick. The Vietnam War was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 [a] to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. .mw-parser-output .legend{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output .legend-color{display:inline-block;min-width:1.25em;height:1.25em;line-height:1.25;margin:1px 0;text-align:center;border:1px solid black;background-color:transparent;color:black}.mw-parser-output .legend-text{}This along with the , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously, This along with the , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously, List of Navy Cross recipients for the Vietnam War. First Lieutenant Vietnam War, 1956-1975; Alvarado Leonard; L. Specialist Fourth Class; Vietnam War, 1956-1975 Ames ; Lawrence J. First award, despite being wounded and his CH-46 helicopter being badly damaged while extracting a wounded Marine, he returned to another landing zone under heavy fire and landed twice to evacuate additional casualties. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands as a symbol of America's honor and recognition of the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War. Task Force 116 (TF-116), Helicopter Attack (Light) Squadron 3 (HAL(L)-3), River Division 572, River Patrol Flotilla 5, Detachment 110, Helicopter Combat Support Squadron 7 (HC-7). It was officially fought between North Vietnam, supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist allies, and South Vietnam, supported by the United States and other anti-communist allies. After placing his machine gun teams in positions, he personally manned one of the guns and silenced tow enemy positions and continued firing from his exposed position after he was mortally wounded. [7] The medal is equivalent to the Army's Distinguished Service Cross, the Air Force and Space Force's Air Force Cross, and the Coast Guard Cross. The Navy Cross is bestowed by the Secretary of the Navy and may also be awarded to members of other armed services, and to foreign military personnel while serving with the U.S. naval services. Saying thank you isn't enough, but it is from the heart. He threw several enemy grenades out of his position and was wounded and lost consciousness. Was killed while attempting to carry a seriously wounded Marine to safety, Light weapons infantry advisor who prevented the capture of 75 South Vietnamese Rangers and personally killed or wounded 25 of the enemy, After repelling repeated enemy attacks for four hours, he led his company in killing more than 200 NVA soldiers and taking eight prisoners, near Elliot Combat Base, Qung Tr Province, Saved the life of a wounded Marine from three mortar rounds by shielding him with his own body, Warned theater patrons to take cover when he discovered a bomb in the lobby and was killed by the subsequent explosion. It was there that he narrowly cheated death while desperately trying to save two of his wounded teammates,. He then carried a wounded Marine to safety and shielded him from an exploding mortar round using his own body. He then searched for a missing pilot for one hour until low fuel forced him to retire, When his platoon was attacked by an overwhelming enemy force and sustained 50% casualties, he rallied his Marines and led a counterattack, Exposed himself to enemy fire on four occasions to assist wounded Marines to safety, After directing the fire of his squad, he single-handedly assaulted enemy positions across a stream, Skillfully directed air strikes on the enemy which allowed the wounded to be extracted by a medical evacuation helicopter, Aerial gunner who spent one hour evacuating wounded Marines from a mine field while under fire, Led two companies to a strategic position and repulsed two attacking NVA battalions, killing approximately 200 of the enemy with few losses among his own men, Gathered valuable intelligence from enemy territory on three occasions, Established a landing zone to evacuate wounded Marines and used his own body to shield a Marine from a rocket propelled grenade, Smothered an enemy hand grenade with his own body and was critically wounded, Led his PBR in a four hour battle which killed 15 of the enemy and destroyed 28 sampans and an ammunition cache, Led a strike force against heavily defended thermal power plants, during which he was shot down, captured and tortured to death, Led 28 Vietnamese Marines to safety after repulsing several NVA battalions, Led his platoon in a night march to relieve another besieged platoon, held off an enemy attack and then led his platoon in a counterattack, Manned a machine gun on top of an amphibian tractor and gained fire superiority over the enemy, He was observing and directing an assault against enemy positions from a helicopter when it was shot down, Successfully rescued a pilot who was shot down over enemy territory, Led six F-8 aircraft in shooting down three MiGs, one of which he shot down himself, Used his own body to shield a wounded Marine from enemy mortar fire, Pushed another Marine to the ground to protect him from an enemy hand grenade, Destroyed an enemy bunker despite being wounded and was advancing on a second when he was killed, Single-handedly assaulted an enemy trench and despite multiple wounds, succeeded in killing five of the enemy and capturing three more, Despite being wounded multiple times, he succeeded in killing several enemy soldiers and prevented further penetration of the perimeter, Jumped from his helicopter into a river covered in burning jet fuel to bring a life preserver to a wounded Sailor under enemy fire. My grandfather, your brother, loved you so very much, I am sure y'all have found each other in heaven and are smiling down on me now.