Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin complex etc. Dr. Simoncini contends growth of a tumor is in no way affected by current oncological treatments. https://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/canres/76/6/1381.full.pdf. https://websterkehr.com/reference/. Should someone you know and love be . IV 500 ml sodium bicarbonate 5% 6 days on 6 days off for 4 cycles. It is mined in the form of an ore called trona. Dr. Simoncini further tested his theory on patients with amazing results after oral or intravenous administration of high concentrations of sodium bicarbonate. He is known for the claim that cancer is caused by the fungus Candida albicans, and has argued that cancer is a form of candida overgrowth.He also is known for claims that cancer can be cured with intravenous sodium bicarbonate. Dr. Tullio Simoncini uses multiple clinics in Rome. Staff members allegedly saw Dr. Simoncini administering injections; Sylvia died the next day. Dr. Simoncini's book Cancer is a fungus describes how a fungous infection always forms the basis of every neoplastic formation, and this formation tries to spread within the whole organism without stopping. Step 3: Turn off heat, replace lid and let cool and brew overnight for 10 hours. Dr.Simoncini the famous Italian oncologist, recommended aluminum free baking soda for cancer treatment. A large-scale case-control study was held in Kashmir, India, to investigate the association between salt tea drinking and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). They said they will have will it be quicker to reach a diagnosis if I go private? Testimony Some of my patients put their story on Youtube to show the world they survived. Are Alternative Cancer Treatments For Real YES!! In many cases this topical treatment had remarkable results as shown in this collection of images. Therefore the use of TACE allows for blockage of tumor blood supply, control of tumor growth, potential necrosis (killing of tumor cells) and subsequent tumor shrinkage. (K, Mg, etc. When the eschar is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, it is necessary to continue to paint underand above it, even if -at first- this causes a sharp pain. Using this method, he claims an average success rate of 90%. Dr. Simoncini contends growth of a tumor is in no way affected by current oncological treatments. Tullio Simoncini is a roman doctor specialising in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders. Whilst experts may disagree on whether the cancer is caused by fungus or not, the application of Sodium Bicarbonate seems . Find his videos online; protocol for bladder and other cancers. Dendritic cells: The awakening of your immune system, Conners Clinic focuses on personalized touch, Integrative complements conventional medicine, The Maverick M.D. a literary tour de force of, Benefits of juicing during cancer treatment, Expecting an effective treatment? Dr. Simoncini has pioneered sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) therapy as a means to treat cancer. The new, metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. According to records, his cause of death was metabolic alkalosis, a condition in which the pH of tissue rises beyond the normal range, which can be a result of increased bicarbonate concentrations. They told me it is suggestive of a UTI & started me on generic Macrobid. Join James for another inspiring and informative interview as Jenny shares a story of health and restoration. After the sodium bicarbonate solution has been administrated into the bladder, keep it inside and turn the body 90 every 15 minutes. Sodium bicarbonate is one of the most potent anti-fungal substances. There have been no supporting human trials, at the time of this writing. Dr. Simoncini also wrote a book called Cancer Is a Fungus, where he delves more into different protocols based on his theory for different types of cancers. Heat the water over a low flame so that it becomes warm. . If the fungi are sensitive to the sodium bicarbonate solutions and the tumour is smaller than 3 cm, the percentage will be around 90%, for terminal cases in which the patient is in reasonably good conditions is 50% and for terminal patients just a small percentage, reports Simoncini, whose treatments take approximately 30-45 days. 5 star (1) 100%. Dr. Simoncini's first patient achieved amazing recovery. This treatment costs about $3 and in most cases is far more effective than the $350,000 treatments! As discussed above, there are multiple key details of the mechanisms underlying bicarbonate therapy that remain to be elucidated. The purpose was to get the solution directly to the cancer. Tullio Simoncini's cancer quackery, which claims that all cancer is really a fungus because it's "always white" and that baking soda injections are an effective treatment. In case of bronchial adenocarcinoma, put 1 soupspoon sodium bicarbonate in litre water and inhale it with a fast inhaler in half an hour. In 1843, British chemist Alfred Bird concocted the first version of baking powder to help out his wife Elizabeth, who was allergic to yeast. The Treatment of Stage IV Cancers [My Free eBook], How To Fund Your Cancer Treatment Without a Loan. Users assume all responsibility for the application of the content on themselves. See the left side-bar for links to these protocols. In case of tiredness and thirst take many drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals Dr. Tullio Simoncini is a former Italian doctor, born in 1951. When bicarbonate therapy was combined with immunotherapy, significant antitumor responses, including cures, were observed in some mice. A nonrandomized cohort and a randomized study of local control of large hepatocarcinoma by targeting intratumoral lactic acidosis. Dr. Tullio Simoncini Baking Soda Treatment to Stop Cancer by Mark Sircus Ac., OMD. [3], Tumor hypoxia (lack of oxygen) is a recognized link to poor therapeutic outcomes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28083722. We visited Dr. Simoncini at his home in Rome. Dr. Simoncini's protocol for bladder cancer and a UTI? The process of apoptosis may be blocked in cancer cells. telephone: (+39) 335294480 Dr. Simoncini's methods have cured people for over 25 years. This treatment costs about $3 and in most cases is far more effective than the $350,000 treatments! http://www.psiram.com/en/index.php/Sodium_Bicarbonate_Therapy_according_to_Simoncini, Whether he is currently in jail or not, he likely is not allowed to answer emails from cancer patients as that 91,959 Parasite & bowel cleanse & mucoid plaque. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the lung, the cancer cells in the lung are breast cancer cells, not lung cancer cells. If you are going to use high alkalinity as a treatment for cancer you need to work with an expert!! Sodium Bicarbonate has successfully proven its antifungal value in agriculture to resolve fungal issues in vegetation, including many destructive diseases such as anthracnose, powdery mildew, black spot in crops and horticultural industries. More recently, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, an Italian oncologist, contends cancer is a fungus that can be treated using baking soda. In case of persistence of one of them make an injection around it with 5% sodium bicarbonate 70-100 ml every day for six days, Side effects: pain and breast swelling 1st and 2nd side effect: Thirst and Weakness (because of SB infusions). IV 500 ml sodium bicarbonate 5% 6 days on 6 days off for 4 cycles, 1st side effect: Pain or Irritation. High doses of sodium bicarbonate may cause headaches, nausea, or irritability. By directly injecting sodium bicarbonate into tumors, the targeting-intratumoral-lactic-acidosis (TILA) by transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) procedure was to increase the pH to ameliorate acidosis (basically calming the lactic acid build up). email: t.simoncini@alice.it, You van find dr. Simoncini on Twitter and Facebook. According to Dr. Tullio Simoncini, cancer is actually a fungus known as candida albicans and it can be eliminated with a simple sodium bicarbonate cancer treatment. Disclaimer This treatment uses a combination of 100% pure maple syrup and baking soda. He received his degree in 1976 in Rome. Acid Suspends the Circadian Clock in Hypoxia through Inhibition of mToR. He expanded his treatment to include positioning a small catheter directly in the artery that nourishes the neoplastic mass, allowing the administration of high dosages of sodium bicarbonate in the deepest recesses of the organism. Antibiotics, indwelling catheter and obstructive uropathy were the most prevalent predisposing factors of the fungal infection. Put both ingredients in a saucepan and heat over low heat till they bind.. Cancer cells love sugar. They consume 15 times the amount of sugar that a normal healthy cell does. Dr. Simoncini Interview, For more details about his treatment see this website: Help keep Cancer Tutor on the cutting edge of relevant natural treatments and display ad-free. Oncologist. The negative attitude towards Dr. Simoncini has acerbated him even more. We provide an oncologist tullio simoncini contends growth of fruit and the new. His method was to put baking soda solution into a blood vessel that feeds a particular organ that was plagued by cancer. If you are sick please seek medical advice from a medical professional. FAIM does not know of any places in the U.S. using Dr. Simoncini's complete protocol. sodium bicarbonate, represents a key alternative cancer cure. Cellect contains both cesium and potassium. Cancer in great part is an invasion invited by deteriorating/rotting cells) of yeast and fungi colonies. Dr. Simoncini is a cancer survivor and understands cancer treatment as a physician, of course, but also as a patient. How to use baking soda for cancer treatment? In addition, Candida also survives and multiplies better when pH value is low. Every day for 5 days then every other day for 2 weeks. Jenny Hrbacek, RN set out on a life-changing journey when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. Please notice that cancer treatments using drops, whashes or drinking the control of a doctor is indicated. Dr. H. Takeuchi et al in Japan analyzed 20 cases of urinary fungal infection. Dr. Simoncini deserves the highest award in medical science for his genius and medical courage in discovering and developing what might come to be seen as the single greatest medical breakthrough of the century. Torulopsis glabrata and Candida tropicalis were also prevalent. For Those Who Cannot Eat), Understanding Treating Cancer [Must Read], How Much Cancer Do You Have? Baking Soda in water helped cure my gassey, bloated stomach. Acidic pH reduces VEGF-mediated endothelial cell responses by downregulation of VEGFR-2; relevance for anti-angiogenic therapies. ), Side effects: In case of pain or irritation take 1 day break during the treatment This treatment costs about $3 and in most cases is far more effective than the $350,000 treatments! DonnaCancerSurvivor 21 days ago3 Replies Does anyone have experience with doing Dr. Simoncini's protocol and having a UTI at the same time? In 1996, he earned a Ph.D. degree in Philosophy from La Sapienza University in Rome. Very interesting. Custodians also used baking soda to clean the Statue of Liberty ahead of its 100th birthday. During the first week, no more than two TEAspoons a day of baking soda should be taken orally. I mix a tablespoon or two with water. (K, Mg, etc. There are two current clinical trials utilizing TILA-TACE (targeting-intratumoral-lactic-acidosis (TILA) by transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE)), one recruiting and one not yet recruiting, for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Looking for an Alternative Cancer Doctor? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22190257, Will cancer cells be defeated by sodium bicarbonate? By Walter Last telephone: (+39) 335294480 Did you know that the AVERAGE orthodox cancer treatment costs $350,000? In 2016, McIntyre et al. and Biophosphonates, Side effects: thirst, tiredness, sleepiness or headache, SB administration and 1-2-3 days break must be adapted to the single case. This treatment costs about $3 and in most cases is far more effective than the $350,000 treatments! In case of tiredness and thirst take many drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals The spread of cancer cells from the place where they first formed to another part of the body. He also was stripped of his medical license in Italy and has been sent to prison for culpable manslaughter. Dr. Simoncini also faced a charge of abusive practice of the medical profession. There is, however, no documented research to support Dr. Simoncinis theory that baking soda can revert cancer cells into healthy cells. 2011; 4(2):91-105. If available at the pharmacy it may instead be used a physiological solution. Probably it is worth tripling the mix and using a very low heat. Dietary supplements ie. The consequence of the oncological establishments inability to admit the failure of this line of research. Dr Tullio Simoncini Baking Soda Treatment to Stop Cancer. He has a strong opposition to any type of intellectual conformity, which is often based on suppositions without foundation or worse, on lies and falsities. In this interview, Dr. Tullio Simoncini shares why people die of cancer, passionately talks about the truth and protocols for eliminating it, and explaining what really works - and what doesn't. Learn the untold risks of surgical tumor removal, and why biopsies cause cancer to activate and quicken its growth. Of 20 cases of fungal infection, 5 cases were cured only by elimination of the predisposing factors, and 15 cases were treated and resolved by administration of sodium bicarbonate, 5-fluorocytosine and or irrigation with amphotericin B. Also called programmed cell death. and decreasing cancer cell proliferation. Rinse the mouth with salty water twice daily. Traduo Context Corretor Sinnimos Conjugao. The 100 year old hypothesis that has led medical science in circles, that cancer are human cells multiplying without limit, turns out to be just another unproven fantasy that no one has ever demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt. The FDAs recommended maximum daily dosage is 200 mEq sodium and 200 mEq bicarbonate in people up to 60 years old. This therapy is also applicable in paediatric oncology, provided the dosage is adjusted and revised according to the weight and age of the infant, as well as the type of neoplastic formation. email: t.simoncini@alice.it. While nearly everyone has candida present in their bodies, the overgrowth of candida due to an immune deficiency - or even repeated antibiotic therapy, can cause the immune system to create a tumor. One of the first patients I treated was an 11-year-old child, a case which immediately indicated that I was on the right track. Some of my patients put their story on Youtube to show the world they survived. How to use baking soda for cancer treatment? Among other uses, soda ash is used to condition water, remove sulfur from flue gases, to lignite coals, and as a food additive. But anger is like fire. Dietary supplements ie. A type of sugar; the chief source of energy for living organisms. However, the in vitro study suggested that acidosis but not lactosis prolonged the survival time of cancer cells under glucose deprivation. He is not alone in this and he is not alone with the knowledge that sodium bicarbonate is effective at wiping out fungal colonies. Dr. Simoncini has identified the substances uniquely able to penetrate these volumetric infections: for cancer of the internal organs it is sodium bicarbonate; and the best substance to eliminate skin cancer is iodine tincture, particularly when it is spread onto the growth. Write a review. An additional study showed reversal of hypoxic effects by neutralizing the pH with sodium bicarbonate. Disclaimer As discussed above, scientific studies utilizing sodium bicarbonate as a potential cancer therapy are limited and show mixed effects at best. I hereby do not use Sodium bicarbonate, but kill the fungus with iodine tincture in a solution of 7%. For other types of cancer (of internal organs) the involvement of a doctor is always neccessary. Dr. Simonciniis an Italian oncologist who believes that candida and cancer are always concurrent, and that sodium bicarbonate, administered through a catheter directly into the artery, is an effective treatment. This is one method the body uses to get rid of unneeded or abnormal cells. Dr. Simoncini's Sodium Bicarbonate Protocol. Contact Dr. Simoncini telephone: (+39) 3389997821 telephone: (+39) 335294480 email: t.simoncini@alice.it Social media You can help by putting a link on your Facebook or Instagram account. Hypervolemic hypernatremia an excessively high sodium intake associated with limited access to water. Dr. Simoncini insists that there is no evidence at all for the genetic hypothesis and this gets proven out with the fact that orthodox cancer treatments do not work out very well. "This website is dedicated to the memory of all those who lost their lives rejecting a broken and corrupt system, while searching for the truth about cancer.".