Every hero with the exception of Spider-Man is teleported back to Earth. Dave volunteered, seeing in this act the chance to do something important with his own life, and the Beyonder killed him, resurrecting him as the new avatar of Death. [3] The Illuminati suggested he was a mutant Inhuman. [23], At some unknown point, Kosmos becomes insane and assumes a mortal form, now calling itself the Maker. Doom insists he can simpily will them away, but his powers have no effect. The superhero team that deals with big level cosmic threats known as the Ultimates, drastically changed Galactus's hunger for cosmic energy. Having learned his lesson, the Beyonder then released the rest of the world from his control. ", The Beyonder modelled his "human" body after, His hair is seemingly only superficially black. Felicia's father disappeared for several years.Later, the Kingpin, Wilson Fisk, captured Felicia and agreed to keep her free of harm if her father gave Kingpin the formula,the agreement was made and Kingpin received the formula. Storm then informs Spider-Man over a computer that she is with an alien rebel army led by General Torg. She converted Sam Guthrie before he realized what she was doing, but the others rejected his "gift." Doom informs the heros that they will be held trail for treason,if they are found guilty they will be executed. By the time Mephisto planned to drop his contract with Thing, nearly all of the Legion Accursed were defeated. Meanwhile, Marsha Rosenberg was getting Owen Reece ready for action: if the Beyonder showed up ready to destroy the universe, then she wanted him to show some spine and fight, not to try to find a way to hide. Possible 1-A Beyonder Embodies the Beyonder Realm, a place beyond space, time, and all dimensions. (Spider-Man was watching, ready to stop him in any case.) The Beyonder, meanwhile, was just trying to think through his problems. 10 Marvel Characters With Powers To Destroy The Universe His inner quandry reflected itself upon the nature of reality without him even trying, imploding suns and collapsing parallel universes. Similarly, despite claiming to be omniscient, he had no knowledge of the multiverse outside of his own realm, and had to learn everything by experience. He accelerates the time of this planet 1 year into the future. Finally the Shaper and Kubik explained the origin of the Beyonder's and the Molecule Man's power. Kosmos takes on a female form and is tutored by Kubik, touring the universe with him. He is an extradimensional being who has been depicted as a cosmic force with unimaginable power. [26] He thereafter encountered a number of costumed adventurers, but found it difficult to understand even to relate to counsel offered him about the nature of life by some of them. [13], After learning of the importance of money from Luke Cage, the Beyonder turns a building into pure gold,[14] causing Spider-Man to rescue those trapped in the building, while the U.S. government works to get rid of the gold to avoid a financial crisis. The Beyonder (/bindr/) is a fictional cosmic entity appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Dr. Doom tricked the Fantastic Four into transporting him to the Negative Zone, and from there to the Beyond-realm. An initially unrelated character called the Beyonder was tied to these older characters by Steve Englehart for his "Secret Wars III" story in Fantastic Four #318319 (SeptemberOctober 1988). In shock, she teleported herself and several others away. Where he existed he was everything and everything was him, in a sense he was like God before there was Genesis. In order to talk about the Beyonder's formative moments (his "childhood"), they went to the Beyond-realm and the Beyonder showed him the pinhole that first showed him our universe. He couldn't understand how someone could stand up to him, since he was far more powerful than anyone in our dimension. But he could tell that soon he would have to make a decision. The Beyonder is the beyond-all and end-all of all things, striven on occasion to be both mankind's greatest. Xavier also revealed that Cerebro enabled him to track down the Beyonders signature to the dwarf planet Ceres, which is located within the asteroid belt of our solar system. [27], The Beyonder continued to experiment with experiencing love affairs with human beings. She wanted him to take her, and just kill Reece. The Beyonder, after sitting and thinking, decided he had been wrong, and went to their apartment to apologize. He also transforms a television writer named Steward Cadwell into Thundersword. The Lizard regained conscienceness and ran outside where he was attacked by alien giant sand worms. However, there are cases in the normal world where a weaker object can break a stronger object if it hits it in exactly the right way--for instance it can set up dissonant shock waves that are a counter to the other object's structure, and force it to break itself apart. He then decided to try to take over the world in a more "limited" fashion than he had before: by doing it legally. He turned invisible and followed Captain America as he left the fight scene. This Beyonder claimed to be "one from beyond." [28], Now the Beyonder's mood began to change. After searching through countless multiverses, The Beyonders discover Earth-616 and fall in love with the planet's potential. Allistar Smythe stays behind, Smythe agrees to help Spider-Man. He once destroyed a galaxy on a whim to meet his needs during the first Secret Wars, and later, by using his entire energies, created a universe out of his own being. They were understandably shocked, and Cage attacked. This would probably suggest he was from a different universe. Also, Namor has no recollection of him, and he had met him during Secret Wars II. They battle until Eternity and The Living Tribunal intervene. The Beyonders received an entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 #1. Childlike and vastly powerful, he grew up in a universe created by the other Beyonders for their young. Then, before their eyes, a planet, which became known as Battleworld, was created to orbit that star. After observing humans, and ultimately interacting with them, the Beyonder still did not feel fulfilled. Meanwhile, he just got in a deeper funk, listening to Dazzler records. The Sphinxes Superpower is that he's Mysterious. Beyonder says Spider-Man is "quite correct". Taking his inspiration from Reece, he was going to be human and omnipotent at the same time. Slay your enemies and all you desire shall be yours! It is unclear whether his power under this retcon is greater of lesser than the Cosmic Cube version of the Beyonder, or if it is even at the level of Pre-Retcon Beyonder. When he had entered the Beyond-realm with Galactus at the very beginning of Secret Wars, his armor had analyzed the Beyonder's energies. Ben informs everyone that Doom created a device to seperate powers, he can transform into the Thing at will. He thought that the action would teach her that she was a hero and not a killer, but she just felt used like a puppet, and once again the Beyonder failed in his role of helping others find their own path. The flashback sequence ends with Deadpool chasing him into a portal with a footnote saying "to be continued in Secret Wars III". In fact, the Beyonder was talking with Death, talking about this very thing, and admitted his fear of what would happen. The Beyonder is the manifestation of the "Beyond-Realm," or simply the "Beyond," which exists separately from the multiverse. Having survived, Thanos rendered the Maker unconscious but did not kill her for he knew that doing so would unleash the true Beyonder from his/her weakened, mortal body. But then the light receded, and one could see the Molecule Man shunting the energy out of our dimension. [42], After his creator, Jim Shooter, left Marvel, writer-editor Tom DeFalco re-tooled the Beyonder, diminishing his power greatly: He was no longer nearly omnipotent, and several of the cosmic beings who were previously established to be below him in power were vastly upgraded in conjunction.[23][43][44][45]. He was awakened by an enormous release of power during a battle between the Earth-616 Havok, who had been transported to this universe some time ago, and the psychotic Earth-1298 Captain America, who was also an energy-wielding powerhouse. However, he was unharmed, and kept her power from having any effect on the area outside a patch of fused glass perhaps 40 feet in diameter. Understanding that they were angry with him, and believing that they liked to settle conflict through action, he led them on a chase, during which time he allowed them to attack him. During the battle, he famously said, "The trouble is, lesser beings can't really perceive the bulk of the action--the billions of feints, thrusts, and parries per second--or the countless levels, besides the physical, upon which this fight, however one-sided, is taking place!" He met a Unlimited Class Wrestling promotor at a bar as he downed Heinekens. I also added scans and references. As he is about to wipe them out,Thing grabs the elemental spiltter and fires it at Doom. Mr.Fantastic suceeds and Dr. Curt Conners takes the dominant consciousness. Unsure of what was going on, they watched a galaxy be destroyed before their eyes, and a planet was formed from the spare parts of other planets. They were revealed to be the same race as the "Omegas" previously seen in Defenders (20112012) and briefly appeared in Ultimates 2 (2016) #6. Cage explained the problem to Beyonder, who made himself black in order to better fit in. Doom, however, began to wrestle with his new limitless nature, and started to become unstable. He also stated that Beyonder was from a whole different multiverse. " Dracula offers his assistance in return for getting to kill more heroes. The experience apparently proved too enlightening in itself, and he ran away. Nemesis is at least equal to its power because she is the . Immediately after the Beyonders departure, all his creations began to crumble and fall apart. Kubik appreciated and encouraged her questions about her place in the multiverse; it was unclear where exactly Kubik and Kosmos fit into this hierarchy of power. Mephisto, observing, was at wit's end, and tried to come up with a plan, but the Beyonder suddenly appeared in his realm so he could destroy it as well. Doom uses his powers to force Spider-Man and the heros against a wall. He caused enormous natural catastrophes all around the globe, causing havoc. The character was retconned into a less powerful character, a self-aware Cosmic Cube inhabiting his own "dimension" because there was no matrix to hold his energy, with the explanation that other more powerful beings had exercised their powers on the Beyonder's behalf to ease his transition into self-awareness. The Uncanny X-Men #203 (by Chris Claremont, John Romita Jr., Al Williamson, and Glynis Oliver), portrays The Beyonder's opportunity for redemption. In order to see if it was the correct formula Felicia Hardy was used as a test subject and became the Black Cat. Then he went through himself. He later reappeared at Avengers Mansion. Hercules tried to put him in a wrestling hold, but the Beyonder knocked him clean out of the mountain. He also pulled Talisman out of the bag for Shaman as payment. He showed some power limitations in the season finally when it was shown that he was becoming powerless the longer he was outside his realm. However, after they speed away, the Beyonder and his model of Manhattan reappear, and he goes back to whatever he was doing before. He was still observing her though, and was interested in her power, saying that, out of those he had encountered so far, she was the being who had the potential to be the most like him. on 10/17/22 Outraged Spider-Man told the Beyonder he could not do this and attacked only to jump right through him. He is the most powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse. He was actually pleasantly surprised to see them there, despite being somewhat hesitant to accept their reality; at first he thought they might be creations of his own that he made himself forget in order to surprise himself. He built an enormous tower filled with his favorite gadgets in Sparta, Illinois. Beyonder last edited by The Beyonder is more powerful than Eternity, The Living Tribunal, and most any other Marvel Comics character to date. Pym then led them in an attack against the Stranger to force him to stop his Beyonder-inspired experiments. Even this could not stop him, and he emerged still bent on killing Thor. The Beyonder was puzzled by their actions, and once again took especial note of Rachel. However, the Dragon was able to take her over anyway, and just took advantage of her extra power. He was able to create a replica of Manhattan, including its normal and super-powered citizens, a feat that would certainly fall within the power of a sentient Cosmic Cube.Post Retcon Beyonder has reality warping powers, but not as powerful as other versions.Either he is holding back, or just his limitation. The Beyonder was about to do it, but then suddenly Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds appeared. The Beyonder was very apprehensive of the power of the Tribunal, Eternity, and Scathan the Celestial, but he joined Protege in fighting them. Jones also kept his gift of health, and Clark was transported to Rom's side, once again as a human. Secret Wars' Beyonder's Powers, Weaknesses & Essential Reading - CBR The Beyonder decided to come to earth and spend time among us. Under Vinnie's influence the Beyonder sought wealth, pleasure, and power over others. The Beyonder is a recurring antagonist of Avengers Assemble. The Molecule Man, not exactly a ladies' man, was hard put to it to explain, but he said that as a result of his relationship with Marsha, he had finally understood it. The Molecule Man realized what happened, and teleported himself to the scene in anger. He claims that through the Beyonder's power he had had attained the only thing he wanted in life, total control. Also, his power is omnipotence. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. In the retcon, they are directly related. It was then revealed that Pym was correct and the entire experiment was being conducted by the Stranger under the guise of the Beyonder. [13], The Beyonders are what Doctor Doom calls "linear beings". Marvel's Secret Wars Is Coming to the MCU - But Which One? They were all living in a cabin, bonded by mutual unhappiness. The Beyonder, however, just stood there staring at him. He transforms into the Thing to fight them off. He was frozen in indecision. His ultimate goal is to discover the true meaning of existence, and his journey takes him across the Marvel universe. The Beyonder has been retconned many times. Beyonders | Marvel Database | Fandom He is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. let me know in the comments Robo Thread Dec 11, 2022 beyonder ( pre-retcon ) marvel upgrade Replies: 22 Forum: Content Revision Pre Retcon Beyonder vs Lucifer Morningstar DC They normally had low levels of power, but those powers became amped as they got near her. Asking for more information about him, the Illuminati sadly discovered that Black Bolt, the Inhuman leader, did not seem to remember the Beyonder prior to the Beyonder's elevation to nigh (?) She had a choice--kill him, or save the X-Men, whom he then put in danger, making the Blackbird plummet towards the sea, with Sentinels on the chase and spread throughout the city. Warlock and Magma attacked with their full fury, Warlock's being especially powerful, and the Beyonder lay on the ground. The Beyonder First Appeared In Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #1 By Writer Jim Shooter, Penciler Michael Zeck, Inker John Beatty, Colorist Christie Scheele, And Letterer Joe Rosen Due to Beyonder and Thing ruining his plan, Mephisto returned all the villains to where they were before he began his scheme. [35][36][40] He also stated that the Pumawhen in perfect harmony with the Universewas capable of killing him. Doctor Doom explains when the villains were being transported through space he traced the coordinates of the power being used to transport them from a lab. [4][12] While still a child,[3] the older Beyonders began their grand experiment where they transformed Owen Reece into the Molecule Man;[2] this "accident" poked a hole into the Beyonder's universe. This gave the Beyonder a new idea--a way in which he could fulfill his role as a champion of life in a way that no one else could ever achieve. The Beyonder later met a street walker named Toots. Justiciar Pathway/Abilities - Lord of the Mysteries Wiki She wanted them all to engage him in one last ditch effort. Beyonder - Super Powers - Superhero Database The Beyonder and Muramoto had been having a number of conversations about enlightenment. Whether you are looking to dig deeper into The Beyonder's mysterious origin or discover how Secret Wars changed the landscape of Marvel Comics forever, these features will guide the way.